Teacher Resouces
Engaging videos to help children cope with feelingsTeacher Resouces
Using materials from M.I.understanding, not only covers curriculum in the current Living Skills Document (Queens Printer 2018), it provides a tool to assist students and families. The ability to recognize stress and learn its causes, create adaptive skills in problem solving, decision-making and conflict resolution are all strands throughout the elementary grade levels.
Using the materials from M.I.understanding you will be able to discuss with children and families how to deal with feelings of worry, anxiety and fear. The engaging videos show strategies that focus on simple solutions that children can learn to cope with these feelings. These videos and materials have been vetted by practitioners to ensure the messages are in keeping with current research in child development and psychology.
How to Use these Resources
For the purposes of flexibility, we have made our resources and activities conducive to online learning. They can be readily adapted to the classroom setting. Additional resources and books that may only be available in the local library have been listed separately.